I have been busy making presentations to The Lakeshore Camera Club (Montreal) and the Club de photo de Boisbriand (Boisbriand). Sony of Canada has graciously sponsored these events and I have received a pile of great feedback!
Thank-you for a wonderful evening! Not only were the photos beautiful to see, but when you added the stories behind them that explained how they were taken, that added even more depth to them. You added just the right amount of photography gear info, balanced with tips, and the wise advice for us to practice our technique.
On behalf of LCC, thank-you for the more than generous sharing of your time, and knowledge tonight. I look forward to the day when I can meet you in person, but in the meantime, please add me to your mail list. - Stephen Shimizu
Hi Christopher, young lad!
It was a great pleasure last evening to cross your path again, young lad. Your presentation was fantastic, both with your awesome photos and your very instructive explanations. My only regret is that I had to leave the room at 22 h for personal reasons. A buddy of mine sent me an email this morning saying that the meeting ended at 23 h 15, which is exceptional.
I am a member of the Lakeshore Camera Club since 2008, and I can tell you that you’re among the TOP presenters that we have had over the years. One of your traits is that, notwithstanding the extreme quality of your images, you are very generous of your time and explanations.
I still have fond memories of our week together in Maine in 2010 as well as the trip itself, … (CHRIS: Moose Photography Workshop in Baxter State Park, Maine)
I thank you very so much, Christopher, and wish you many more fruitful and exciting years as a professional photographer. - Serge Gagné
Good morning Christopher,
That was an amazing, inspirational, educational and fun evening.
I was not expecting so much transfer of knowledge from last night. I made notes to go check some of my camera settings (newly acquired Nikon Z6 as I had Nikon lenses).
I am one of those awkward learners you were mentioning last night. I know I have to ask questions and get out to practice, practice, practice. You inspired me to go out more even in these times (alone). I do go out, yet I’m not playing/fully understanding my settings. So I got it last night. I understand the histogram which I use all the time, however, you added a new dimension that I don’t do, bringing the black to the middle to get the details while not blowing out the whites which I do often especially when I was in the Calanques in Southern France in the middle of the day.
Well, all this to say, from my perspective you have been the number 1 speaker/presenter so far this fall. We do have Freeman Paterson over the course of the year so that is no small comment. I guess it is different work and maybe my attraction to animals (not necessarily birds – probably because I’m not a good bird photographer) is what makes it more incredible.
Well, enough of the rambling, great evening and until our paths cross again.
Be safe. - Monique Pampel
Good morning Christopher,
Last evening I was a new member with L.C.C. "new member that joined the club an hour prior to your presentation"
I would like to express my sincere thanks for your great presentation last evening.
It was wonderful to listen to you sharing generously, being candid with information and tips as well as your experiences and anecdotes…….. - Jean-Louis Rousselle
From Facebook:
Fantastic presentation last night at the LCC. I loved it a lot. - Hans Kandert
From Instagram:
Thanks for an amazing presentation last night with Lakeshore CC. I learned a lot and will be trying your recommendations for exposing to the right of the histogram on my next outing. I have an A7II and a 70-300 G zoom. I also use a canon 24-105 from my old 5D Mk1 kit with the MC-11 adapter. I was interested to hear you are originally a "Northerner." I am also from the north of England, Buxton in the Peak District, and have been here since 1980. Take care. - Stephen Johnson
From the live chat:
World-class presentation! Thanks Fauna Chairs! - Ron Harper
Incredibly informative and fascinating presentation, Chris. thank you so much! - Marianna Armata
Those are amazing images. - Norm Horner
Thanks! Great Tips! - Walter Santelli
What a great tip. Thanks. - Norm Horner
Absolutely amazing images. - Eleen Webb
What a great presentation..Superb... - Muslim Harji
It's absolutely FANTASTIC, Chris! Very beautiful images and very instructive. Many, many thanks! - Serge Gagné
10 800 hours of practice, according to Malcolm Gladwell. It applies to The Beatles, concert pianists and wildlife photographers. - Norm Horner
great - Gabriel Berberian
Wow!!! Fantastic instruction, Chris!!! - Serge Gagné
Wow stunning. - Paula
so beautiful! - Min Qian
That Ile Bizard owl image is really stunning. - Norm Horner
All his owl photos are incredible. Lots of valuable info. - lorid
Amazing images and fantastic commentary and tips. Really appreciate Chris sharing his wealth of wisdom with the club. - Chris Kanters
Amazing presentation. Thank you Chris. - Ann Arial
Thanks to our Fauna Group for organizing this excellent evening with Chris Dodds. His images were amazing and his advice was great (for me, histograms). - Norm Horner
Very educational. Great presentation! - Walter Santelli
Wow! - Pierre Laviolette
Bravo! - Stewart Harding
Wow! Great presentation! - Elaine Chubry
So wonderful work and presentation and so clear explanations. I do not remember when I learned so much. Thanks Chris - Maria Korab-Laskowska
unbelievable! - Andreas Orfanos
Awesome presentation! - Marg Foley
Sensational! - Paula
Amazing! Thanks for the stories, too. - Ruth Boisvert-Blair
Excellent presentation, beautiful photos.Thanks. - Debbie Wright
Wonderful presentation. \\\\ - ry
excellent, merci, j'ai appris pleins de trucs - Jean-Marc Legentil
Terrific presentation. Thanks for sharing Chris - ry