Ramirez Ranch, Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Bronzed Cowbird Displaying, Ramirez Family Ranch, Roma, Texas

©Christopher Doddswww.chrisdoddsphoto.com

Canon EOS 1DMKIII, 500mm F4 Lens with 1.4X II Tele-converter

ISO 800, F6.3, 1/250s Aperture priority +2/3, Flash ETTL II -2+2/3

Aperture priority is the way to go when the light is constantly changing.

On Friday, April 24, we had planned on one last morning session photographing at Los Madrones Ranch before driving the nearly 575 miles to Roma, Texas. Our hopes of golden light faded into light rain and a very dark sky. Those who know me know that I'm not afraid of photographing in the rain, but it was simply too dark to photograph tiny little warblers on speed that twitch, jump, shake or fly away every time you press the shutter release button (or 1/1000 of a second before you press the shutter button). As Artie took up his favorite position behind his laptop in the back seat, he endured yet another "Driving Miss Artie" from me; he's a great sport and we've been getting along famously for the more than two weeks we've been on the road trip. You can read Artie's version here
That afternoon, we arrived at the Ramirez Family Ranch where Artie introduced me to Roel and his son, Michael Ramirez. We got the grand tour of the ranch that we have had to ourselves, and made ourselves at home on the 1,000 acre ranch. Roel, along with Artie's help and guidance, have set-up a network of pretty elaborate morning and afternoon blinds over the years. We've enjoyed bright, cloudy skies most mornings and some phenomenal photography of many varied species.
Special thanks to the Ramirez Family, Roel and Michael, who have treated us like kings.